
strawberry ice cream waffle cone; image by Ian Dooley

Evangelism for Introverts: How I planned a community event as a born introvert & bonafide scaredy cat

Despite the ominous clouds overhead, most people at the neighborhood picnic were talking in little groups, everyone wearing name tags. I dodged the happy groups and headed straight for the couple sitting in camp chairs far back from the activity. “Hey, I’m Janet,” I said, “thank you for coming! I’m at 6600 down the road. […]

Evangelism for Introverts: How I planned a community event as a born introvert & bonafide scaredy cat Read More »

Your most powerful evangelism tool is…(and it works for introverts, too)

This is an example of a weekly email with a reflective question to help you seek God, the source of all good. If these devotions help you, consider signing up to receive emails. A subscriber form appears later. Do you remember Lee Strobel? He was the atheist journalist who was compelled to explore the evidence

Your most powerful evangelism tool is…(and it works for introverts, too) Read More »