Curious Faith & Personal Growth

From Pain to Positive: ONE Word to feeling grateful without guilt in 2021

How many of us wished we could’ve pulled off a Rip van Winkel and slept through 2020? When 2021 approached and the Christmas gifts were opened and the fruitcake eaten, then the emojis started. Push 2020 off the screen. Burn 2020. I’m sure there was a poop emoji somewhere. We awoke on January 1, 2021, […]

From Pain to Positive: ONE Word to feeling grateful without guilt in 2021 Read More »

woman looking through a paper cutout of a heart

For anyone who feels like “something’s missing”: You have a superpower and you don’t even know it.

If the words “something’s missing” strike a chord with you, then you may be an enneagram 4 (I am). The enneagram is a personality tool, like Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, that deals with your core motivations. You can find out your personality number on the enneagram through any number of online tests. If you’re a Christian

For anyone who feels like “something’s missing”: You have a superpower and you don’t even know it. Read More »

Overcoming people pleasing: If I only care what God thinks, will that make me selfish?

What if I cared about people but didn’t care what they think of me? What if I only cared about pleasing God? When I first explored this idea, it didn’t take me long to wonder how I could botch it. Couldn’t pleasing God become an excuse to say the first judgmental thought, no matter how

Overcoming people pleasing: If I only care what God thinks, will that make me selfish? Read More »

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser: Peace through pleasing only God.

What if I cared about people but didn’t care what they think of me? What would happen if, instead, I cared about pleasing God? The answer: Peace. Saturday mornings often see me at my less-than-best. The whole family is together. We sit in our pajamas and eat toast and eggs and talk about home improvement

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser: Peace through pleasing only God. Read More »

Big, Scary, Unknown Future? This is the One Thing that matters.

A devotion about deciding on the big things and worrying less about the details. In a hurry? Scroll to the bottom to read The Big Idea – a summary of what this devotional is all about. How do I plan for the future when I don’t know what the future holds? A devotion. ______________________________________________________________________________ Who

Big, Scary, Unknown Future? This is the One Thing that matters. Read More »

Day 4: When Dreams Become Burdens: What are God’s Promises to Us?

This lesson application and journaling prompt is based on the devotional Seeking God: How to Receive God’s Best for Your Life. You can also review day 2 and day 3 if you missed them. I skipped church one Sunday morning and mollified my conscience by watching a tv preacher. The pastor on one particular segment

Day 4: When Dreams Become Burdens: What are God’s Promises to Us? Read More »