• Evangelism for Introverts: How I planned a community event as a born introvert & bonafide scaredy cat

    Despite the ominous clouds overhead, most people at the neighborhood picnic were talking in little groups, everyone wearing name tags. I dodged the happy groups and headed straight for the couple sitting in camp chairs far back from the activity. “Hey, I’m Janet,” I said, “thank you for coming! I’m at 6600 down the road.

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  • How to Create an Intimate Christmas: A different kind of Christmas list

    I have this peculiar reaction on the morning after Halloween: nostalgia mixed with dread. It’s the sense that while I’m already starting to plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I’ll miss out on something fundamental, something sacred. FOMO, nutcracker style. This year I pulled out my sprig of holly and decided to spear that negative Nancy

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