Does God care about me personally? What sheep taught me about true love in Jesus

If you like this message and think it could help someone, please share it. Thanks! I had a season of life not long ago when anxiety ruled my days and haunted my nights. This painful period provoked questions about God: why is He letting me suffer? Why doesn’t He feel close? What does it feel […]

Does God care about me personally? What sheep taught me about true love in Jesus Read More »

Why is it so hard to pray? 4 things I wish I had known about prayer years ago

Hi! If this post inspires you, would you consider sharing it on Pinterest or Facebook? Thanks! Let my prayer be set before You as incense, The lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Psalm 141:2 NKJV A boy, head down, muscles taut, legs spotted with bruises, pulling a red wagon through the yard.

Why is it so hard to pray? 4 things I wish I had known about prayer years ago Read More »

Jesus’s Relationship Formula: Transform Your Marriage and Relationships

I love self-help books. When relationships are going off the rails, then you’ll find me at the library digging through the 742 stacks (that’s Dewey Decimal system for the self-help relationship books). If you were hiding behind my couch, spying on me as I pored over the pages, you’d see me nodding and “ah”-ing and

Jesus’s Relationship Formula: Transform Your Marriage and Relationships Read More »

Tables into Altars: How to Bless Others with Food (because you’re cooking anyway)…

Have you ever sat around the table for hours after dinner, talking about everything and nothing, laughing together as the minutes speed by? When people peeled away to go to bed, slipped off to wash dishes, or shuffled to cars, their hearts were singing. Fulfilled, content, and joyful. This was community at its best. At

Tables into Altars: How to Bless Others with Food (because you’re cooking anyway)… Read More »

Feel inadequate as a Christian? Pull up a seat at your Father’s table…

I thought life was a dance, but I was just twirling on thin ice. People thought I was a strong Christian, and I agreed. Appearances can be deceiving, can’t they? The evidence pointed toward a woman who had it together: A woman who planned a mission trip to Ghana with her mom, taught Sunday School,

Feel inadequate as a Christian? Pull up a seat at your Father’s table… Read More »