Online Advent Calendar: December 13

Online advent calendar reading for December 13 saying, Exactly the right parents for the job.

Exactly the right parents for the job…

The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham: … 16 And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.

Matthew 1:1&16 NKJV

Joseph and Mary—the two most famous parents in history. The Bible tells us that both Mary and Joseph were directly descended from King David. Why is this important? Because God promised that the Righteous Branch—the Messiah—would be one of King David’s great-great-lots-of-greats-grandsons.

Although Joseph was not Jesus’s physical father, Joseph was Jesus’s legal father. This distinction was important: The law of the Israelites recognized that Jesus was legally the descendant of King David. His parents and grandparents’ names were recorded in the temple for everyone to read to prove that Jesus really was from David’s family.

Mary was also the great-something-granddaughter of the king. She was Jesus’s physical mom, so Jesus was also of the blood line of King David.

In both a legal and a physical way, God kept His promise that King David would be the forefather of the Messiah.