What kind of Savior is this?
The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the LORD’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.
Psalm 118: 22-34 NKJV
A cornerstone is the first large stone set down when builders begin to erect a stone structure, like a temple or a palace. The chief cornerstone is laid first and the rest of the building rises stone by stone from this one perfect block.
Psalm 118: 22-23 is a prophecy about Jesus, written by King David, who was Jesus’s great-great-lots-of-greats grandfather. Jesus wouldn’t be accepted as the Messiah by everyone. When people read the prophecies about the Messiah, they were expecting a great king to conquer their oppressors.
Their hope was understandable: When Jesus was born, the nation of Israel was ruled by a foreign kingdom called Rome. The Israelites wanted to be free and to rule their own country and they expected that the Messiah would be a powerful military leader. But Jesus wasn’t what they expected, so many people didn’t believe in Him. But God knew what people needed. People needed a Savior for their souls more than they needed a savior for one small kingdom.
Jesus is everything we need.